Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Smithsonian Latino Center Young Ambassador's Program for graduating seniors!!!! Application Deadline April 7, 2014

Smithsonian Latino Center (SLC)

2012 Young Ambassadors Program
The Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) is a national program for graduating high school seniors aimed at fostering the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources. YAP is a college preparatory and leadership program encouraging participants to explore various academic and career opportunities through the lens of the Latino experience.
Students with an interest in and commitment to the arts, sciences, and humanities as it pertains to Latino communities and cultures are selected to travel to Washington, D.C. for a week-long seminar at the Smithsonian Institution. This enrichment opportunity is a leadership development and skill-building training conducted by renowned experts in their respective fields. It exposes youth to a wide array of academic disciplines promoting higher education and encouraging youth to explore and understand Latino identity and embrace their own cultural heritage through visits to the Smithsonian’s Latino collections and one-on-one interaction with anthropologists, artists, curators, historians, scientists and other professionals. Following the training seminar, students participate in a four-week interdisciplinary education internship in museums and other cultural institutions in 16 regions across the United States and Puerto Rico, including Smithsonian-affiliated organizations. This hands-on component allows students to gain transferable knowledge and apply the skills acquired during the training seminar to their internship assignments.
Contact : Emily Key
Contact Phone: (202) 633-1240
Contact Email:
Opportunity Website:
Term: 5 weeks
Apply Through: SOLAA